Marketing Data API Integration

Automated Data Integration

Connect Your Marketing & Customer Data

Automate data integration and connect your data into a single source of marketing truth and ROMI performance tracking.

Data is the key component to any business. From identifying profitable data projects, all the way to make data driven business decisions, your data is essential to your growth and success. However, the complexity and the amount of information has never been greater. It is difficult and time-consuming to link, match, cleanse and transform data across systems. That is precisely why we created anaticsTM to make working with data fast and enjoyable on a single platform.anaticsTM is an easy-to-use data analysis platform that makes data extraction and transformation effortless. After integrating each data source, whether it is a CRM system or payroll software, authenticated users can pull out the data anytime. As a result, you don’t need to wait endlessly to get the information you need to be delivered by people from different departments. Your data is there, ready for analysis.

Just a few clicks and anatics will:

Automatically extract and aggregate data from all of your marketing platforms

Connect the data you need from any source, no matter the size, volume or how it was structured. We are constantly evolving, just like your marketing strategies. So, when you decide to try out a new marketing tool, you can simply authenticate and connect it in anatics.

Avoid manual data entry errors

Eliminate costly and inadvertent errors in manual data entry and reporting. That means the data you are working with is always trustworthy and no more missed business opportunities.

Improve operational efficiency

Data is accessible and reliable for people at all levels. However, you have the flexibility to grant access with role-based authentication control. anatics allows teammates to work together with collaborative features in the dashboard, comment, and share.

Decrease data integration costs

With a cloud-based, automating process, you can streamline your data pipeline at scale with no IT costs. anatics onboards data automatically via API or our Universal Connector so you can get your data up and running quickly.

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