Funnel Analytics

Marketing Funnel Analytics

Transform your Marketing and Campaign funnel data into actionable insights. anaticsTM provides interactive and automated funnel modeling tools as the catalyst to unlocking marketing analysis at every level and every stage of your customer journey.

Guide marketing efforts across all sales funnels in the full customer journey

Revenue funnel analysis

Decide the steps in the entire customer journey of your business, and then create each sale funnel tailored to your marketing objectives. Once the funnels are completed, you can navigate your dataset with a clear purpose and gain deeper insights into all your marketing spending against performance across all your revenue funnels. You can view marketing performance across the entire organization, each department, or a single campaign using customizable funnels analytics.

Targeted insights

With the funnel analytics tool, you can map the whole conversion process with quality data, closely monitoring overall campaign performance on each stage of the customer journey. With a clear and detailed ROI and ROMI breakdown, you can quickly pinpoint which sale stage brings more conversions or overspends in your marketing efforts.

Identify and prioritize opportunities

anatics makes it easy to identify the most valuable insights from your whole digital and offline experience, so you can act quickly on them to accelerate your business. You can divide your dataset into sale funnels with the funnel analytics tool to see how each step contributes to your business goals. Furthermore, antics allows you to dive deep into each conversion stage using real-time data, allowing you to stay on top of ever-changing trends and identify opportunities you don’t want to miss.

Widget goals

Funnel analytics creates a flexible data analysis foundation to meet your business’s evolving needs. It allows you to custom benchmark metrics against your business objective so your marketing efforts can stay on track and diagnose areas for improvement, empowering you to take actions to maximize your investment backed up by intelligent data.

Guide marketing efforts across all sales funnels in the full customer journey

Revenue funnel analysis

Decide the steps in the entire customer journey of your business, and then create each sale funnel tailored to your marketing objectives. Once the funnels are completed, you can navigate your dataset with a clear purpose and gain deeper insights into all your marketing spending against performance across all your revenue funnels. You can view marketing performance across the entire organization, each department, or a single campaign using customizable funnels analytics.

Targeted insights

With the funnel analytics tool, you can map the whole conversion process with quality data, closely monitoring overall campaign performance on each stage of the customer journey. With a clear and detailed ROI and ROMI breakdown, you can quickly pinpoint which sale stage brings more conversions or overspends in your marketing efforts.

Identify and prioritize opportunities

anatics makes it easy to identify the most valuable insights from your whole digital and offline experience, so you can act quickly on them to accelerate your business. You can divide your dataset into sale funnels with the funnel analytics tool to see how each step contributes to your business goals. Furthermore, antics allows you to dive deep into each conversion stage using real-time data, allowing you to stay on top of ever-changing trends and identify opportunities you don’t want to miss.

Widget goals

Funnel analytics creates a flexible data analysis foundation to meet your business’s evolving needs. It allows you to custom benchmark metrics against your business objective so your marketing efforts can stay on track and diagnose areas for improvement, empowering you to take actions to maximize your investment backed up by intelligent data.

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